Work Permit Application can be picked up in the RIHS office.
Steps to obtain a work permit:
Make sure you are eligible to obtain a work permit (see eligibility tab)
Find a job
Pick up an application from the RIHS Office
Complete all sections of Work Permit (Student, Parent, Employer)
Turn in the completed work permit to the office
You will be contacted when your work permit is ready to be picked up in the office from your counselor.
Students (under age 18) interested in working must obtain a work permit. The “official work permit” will be given to the student once they have secured employment and are deemed eligible. Work permits are required for all students under the age of 18 in order to be employed, including vacations and summer breaks. Work permits must be renewed every year in August.
Permits may be revoked at any time if attendance, grades and graduation requirements are not being met.